50 Powerful Topics for Your Next Argumentative Essay Assignment

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A good argumentative essay topic is one that keeps the interest of your reader and at the same time gives you the proper room to deliver your message in an impactful manner. Here, we have compiled a great 50 of them. To make it more organized and thus help you choose the right one from your respective academic domain, we have further categorized these topics into five categories, along with tips on how to choose the best topic for your assignment writing .

General Tips on Choosing the Right Argumentative Essay Topic

A lot of students choose essay topics out of peer pressure or too common topics. If you want to score the impressive grades you are eyeing, choosing topics that are unique, retaining your interests, and matching your course are important. Here are a few tips from dissertation writer to help you decide on the topic.

Always weigh in on your interest and passion: Choose a subject that you will be interested in introduction  assignment. The more you care about the topic, the more you will enjoy researching and writing it.

Pick Topics that can fuel debates: Topics that can fuel further debate or discussions are generally good to choose. It will help you get introduced to differing opinions on them and make interesting essays.

Choose a topic that has contemporary relevance: Topics selected for your essay should be recent and relevant to contemporary issues in society. Such topics have the power to appeal to your readers or audience.

Skip topics that cannot be supported by evidence: It is highly recommended to avoid topics that lack credible sources or evidence, as they make it difficult for you to build a strong, convincing argument.

Consider the Scope of the Topic: If the topic is not manageable within the essay’s length how many sentences is 800 words  because it requires extensive detailing to explain, you may better not take it.

Evaluate Your Knowledge: Select a subject that you already know well acknowledgement for college assignment or can quickly familiarize yourself with in order to make a persuasive argument.

50 Great Argumentative Essay Topics
  • Should higher education be made free to all?
  • Are students how to write ignou assignment being stressed too much about which course to choose?
  • Are standardized tests good measures of student potential?
  • Is a course on financial literacy necessary and ought to be made compulsory for schools?
  • Is online learning as effective as classroom learning?


  • Have cell phones made people less social?
  • Should companies operating social media be liable for users’ data?
  • Do classroom technologies enhance learning or serve as distractions?
  • Do video games contribute to violence among the youth?
  • Are electric cars the future solution to the crisis of climate change?


  • Should school children be required by law to receive vaccinations?
  • Is the current obesity epidemic a personal choice or a societal circumstance?
  • Should mental health education be made compulsory in schools?
  • Are animal experiments justifiable in medical research?
  • Should recreational marijuana usage be legalized?


  • Do you think climate change is the biggest challenge to humanity at the moment?
  • Should states make more restrictive laws regulating pollution?
  • Are renewable energy sources a good substitute for fossil fuels?
  • Must plastic bags be banned across the world?
  • Is geoengineering ethical to be employed against climate change?


  • Must the voting age be reduced to 16 years?
  • Should campuses adopt affirmative action measures?
  • Should hate speech have protection under the First Amendment?
  • Is the death penalty an effective tool to prevent crime?
  • Should prostitution be legalized and regulated?


  • Do tax reductions for high-income earners stimulate economic growth?
  • Should the minimum wage be adjusted to a living wage?
  • Is Universal Basic Income the solution to poverty?
  • Do tariffs help or hurt the economy?
  • Should corporations pay higher taxes to support social programs?

Psychology Social Media.

  • Does social media have any negative effects on the mental health of young people?
  • Is cyberbullying worse than ordinary bullying?
  • Do video games improve the cognitive performance of children?
  • Therapy vs. Medication for depression – which is the better treatment?
  • Exposure to Violent Media – does it increase aggression in children?


  • Is Human Genetics Engineering ethical?
  • Must euthanasia be legalized for terminally ill patients?
  • Animal rights or human research needs – which should be given priority?
  • Are surveillance cameras at public institutes acceptable for security purposes?
  • Should parents have the right to decide the genetic makeup of a new-born?


  • Can military interference in foreign country conflicts under the guise of humanitarian intervention be morally appropriate?
  • Does nationalism pose a challenge to international peace and cooperation?
  • Do political parties facilitate or hinder a country’s progress in today’s democratic society?
  • Should political campaign reforms be implemented to eliminate as much corruption as possible in a political system?
  • Does gerrymandering harm democracy in elections?

Mixed Bag

  • Are zoos ethical wildlife conservation institutions or just entertainment centres?
  • Should high school students be required to wear uniforms or dress codes?
  • Does homework truly benefit students, or is it a source of excessive pressure?
  • Would it be fair to compensate college athletes with pay while in college sports programs?
  • Should historical monuments honouring morally controversial figures be removed or preserved as part of history?

Argumentative Essay Format

A typical argumentative essay has the following structure:

Introduction: Introduce the subject and express your thesis.

Body Paragraphs:

  • Argument 1: Present proof of your argument.
  • Counter Argument: Respond to opposing views.
  • Argument 2: Continue to present additional evidence supporting your case.

Conclusion: Provide a summary of the main points and reiterate the thesis.

The Bottom Line

The correct selection of an argumentative essay topic is important because it shapes the overall quality of your work. By considering your interests, controversial properties, and relevance, you can settle on a topic that will capture the attention of your audience and allow you to powerfully present your argument and counterarguments.

This list of 50 topics shared above can serve as a starting point for you if you are exploring certain subjects through argumentative essays. Choose a topic only if you see it as something that resonates with your interests and academic requirements.

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